
If you’ve ever felt like you’re the only one waiting for your perfect, better half, you’re not alone . . . because they’re waiting for you, too.  Love is worth the wait. “Love is patient,” so shouldn’t we be patient, too? When God wants you to meet your future husband/wife, it will happen. Not in your timing, but…

Biggest Lessons from Freshman Year

The top 13 things my freshman year at college has taught me Last year coming into college, I had absolutely no idea what to expect, other than the typical things I heard about the University of Tennessee and “college life” in general. I was told that I would never see anyone I knew because it was…

Bible Journaling

Our passions, talents, and gifts are our power. They are our voice. I have recently stumbled upon the idea of bible journaling. I already love to draw, doodle, and sketch, so this was a perfect idea. It has become so helpful in actually remembering verses when you see a certain image in your daily life….

Thy Will

Dreams. Ambitions. Goals. What happens when we don’t reach those things in quite the way we would have wanted to? We immediately blame God for pointing us in the wrong direction. That idea couldn’t be further from the truth. As most people know, it was always my goal to cheer for the University of Tennessee. After…


Yes, people leave . . . but what we should consider closely are the ones who come back to us after the distance. Relationships should never be taken for granted. Too often we simply hope for the best. We hope we see the ones we once were so close to again someday. We have to make the…


Internships, deadlines, final exams, finding a job, making connections, involvement, getting your name out there, meeting the right people, GPA, papers due, student loans, college tuition, graduating, staying on track, etc.  All of these things clutter our thoughts, making it seem impossible to fall asleep at night. You are not the only one freaking out,…


Sometimes our happiest moments come from the most unexpected places. On the days we feel worthless, that is when our hearts are most vulnerable. They are vulnerable to all the happiness life has to offer or to all the loneliness it tires to push us into. It is in those moments when we chose. We…

All Consuming, Consume Me

There are far to little lessons to be learned in most entertaining songs today. We know every popular song within the day it is released. How many songs do you find about the most important of things. Yes, of course there are the local radio stations and playlists, but I want to challenge you to crawl…

The Splendor in Serendipity

Serendipity: (n.) // ser·en·dip·i·ty // ser-ən-ˈdi-pə-tē\- finding valuable or pleasant things that are not pushed or sought out for “9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help…

Ethereal Seeker

For those of you who seek the hopes and dreams of a satisfying love in this world, this post is for you. I hope to help you find the strength in where I am currently finding mine. This post is for the person who feels alone. This is for the one who feels abandon and forgotten. I…